Here are some summer fun ideas! Includes links to online games as well as non-tech ideas and activities for students.🌞

The end of the year is in sight, coming quickly for some while over a month away for others. While many are looking forward to summer break, other students may not be so eager. These slides include both online games and non-tech 'traditional, old-school' ideas for summertime. The list of ideas can be edited and customized for your students. It can also be printed out for students who may not have access to it at home. Hopefully these ideas come in handy when students are bored and looking for something to do.

Looking for a theme to end the year? Check out my Camping and Nature Themed Games and Stories slides. Another fun idea is to incorporate Virtual Field Trips! Check out ones that I have shared, and check back as I will continue to add more to this topic.
These files are best shared by making your own copy, then go to File > Publish to the Web and then sharing that published link with students. I hope that these ideas help make the end of the year a bit more fun!
Make your own copy of Summer Fun here to enjoy:
*NOTE: If the link says you need to request access, it is your school network blocking the share. All items are set correctly to force a copy when clicked on. Many districts block things (including file shares) that are coming from outside of their domain. Please try making the copy from a personal email or Gmail account. Then, you can share the file with your school account. If you request access, I won't be able to grant it (or reply to your email), since the issue is blocked on your end.