May is National Pet Month - Learn all about veterinarians in these informative virtual field trips!
These informative virtual trips will help students learn all about veterinarians. Whether students are pet owners, animal lovers, or just curious about the doctors who care for them, these brief virtual trips will help them learn about this important career.
While May is National Pet Month, these trips can be used at anytime throughout the year. Some suggestions would be to incorporate into an animal unit, for career
exploration, or as a Fun Friday activity.
Have you seen my Animal Themed Virtual Trips? Learn about some amazing animals! These would work well in conjunction with the veterinarian virtual trips.
This file is shared in Google Slides and uses embedded videos. It also includes a linked pawprint heart to return to the main menu slide. It is best used in Present mode with the teacher sharing their screen. As always, teachers should preview the trips before using to determine what best fits the needs of their class. I hope that these virtual trips are enjoyed by you and your students.
Make a copy of š¶š± Veterinarian Virtual Field Trips here to use and enjoy:
Make a copy of Animal Themed Virtual Field Trips here: