Choice Boards are perfect for Fun Fridays, Center work, and early finishers! Students will love these logic games on this virtual 🧩Puzzle Games Choice Board!

Students will enjoy this fun, new choice board filled with puzzle games! This is a great way to practice a variety of memory, logic and problem-solving skills. Students (and teachers 😉) will enjoy playing these challenging games.
Choice boards work well Fun Fridays, Center work, and early finishers! I share all of my choice boards with students in one place - in a virtual room inside of a virtual schoolhouse. I have dozens of choice boards on a variety of topics that are easily accessible in one place.
Here is how I have organized one of my virtual classrooms inside my virtual schoolhouse. Each of the items/images are linked to a different choice board. Each of those choice boards have been linked to the image/item using the Published link. Once you make your own copy, you can go to File > Publish to Web and then use that Published link in your own virtual room or in Google Classroom to share the virtual room and choice boards with students. One of my favorite features of using published links is that they automatically update as changes are made. When I add a new item to the room, students immediately have access to it - no need to re-share the link to the virtual room.
As a K-5 teacher, I incorporate a variety of choices for differentiation. This particular room represents many of my seasonal options. Other rooms have specific topics or subjects. Students love using virtual choice boards, they think they are playing games without realizing that they are practicing a variety of skills.
Choice Boards offer options for being assigned to students. The best and easiest option for students is to share the link to this Choice Board in Published mode (File > Publish to Web) and then share only the published link. This option can be assigned through an LMS such as Google Classroom.
I have shared many Choice Boards here, which include a variety of topics, that you may want to make copies of, as well as more in the works - so check back often! I hope that you and your students enjoy these puzzle games on the new 🧩Puzzle Games Choice Board! You can also make a copy of the virtual room pictured above if you would like to organize the various choice boards in one location. I have included links to my virtual calming rooms on the white board as an option for students when they need them.
Make your own copy of 🧩Puzzle Games Choice Board here to enjoy:
*NOTE: If the link says you need to request access, it is your school network blocking the share. All items are set correctly to force a copy when clicked on. Many districts block things (including file shares) that are coming from outside of their domain. Please try making the copy from a personal email or Gmail account. Then, you can share the file with your school account. If you request access, I won't be able to grant it, since the issue is blocked on your end.